Friday, August 31, 2012

I am the biggest hopeless romantic. Ever.

I'm a hopeless romantic.  I've read too many books and watched too many movies.  I see an old couple on the street holding hands and hope one day I could be as lucky.  I spend hours on Pinterest looking at wedding photos.  I listen to songs with a love story behind them.  So I guess to say I am a hopeless romantic is a bit of an understatement.  But isn't romance something that keeps us going?  We are always looking for someone to spend time with.  Someone to share our lives with.  It is almost like it is programmed into us.  And I know I am not the only one.  All females think like this.  Love was all we thought of as kids.  We dressed up in dresses, pretended to get married, carried around baby dolls, and played house.  The hopeless romantic was what we were raised to be.  Frankly I'm okay with that.  Because without romance what is life?  I'm sure there are way bigger things out there than romance like jobs, schooling, and family.  But sometimes I just don't care about that.  Tonight is one of those nights.  But don't get me wrong when I talk about romance.  I do not see romance as love.  It is way much more than that.  To me, being a romantic is less about words and more about actions.  When I think of romance I think of someone who holds open the door for me or wraps their arms around me. Maybe cooking with me.  Or taking a walk around town.  Someone who holds my hand or jokes with me.  Even a piggy back ride or just fooling and goofing around is romantic.  While words are always great to hear, I believe that actions speak louder than words.  Anyone can say something, but unless they show it, it is just is not the same thing.  So I guess I am a hopeless romantic and I am okay with that.  And do not be afraid to be a romantic either.  You don't have to be hopeless like me.  Just be you.  It will come naturally.  Embrace it, because it is something worth living for.  If you do not believe it, just ask the old couples walking down the street.  They will tell you it is worth it.  


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Inspiration for the week.

So that time has finally come again: inspiration that is oh so needed.  I'm not sure about everyone else, but this week is dragging on.  All I want to do is see people and hang out with them.  Yet it seems like this week is taking forever to come to an end.  So for me a little inspiration to make it through these last two last two days is very much needed..  This week I focused on inspiration through songs.  So i hope you enjoy this and it helps!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First day of class.

Today was my first day of my sophomore year of college and surprisingly I learned many things.  Like first, never assume you can walk to class fast.  Apparently everyone decides to walk slow, leaving me to walk in the grass or streets to make it to my classes.  Secondly, always check where your buildings are before going to them, especially if you have never been there.  For instance, I thought my class was two blocks farther then it was and had to back track.  This leads me to the third thing I learned, which is always leave with plenty of time before your class begins.  I unfortunately happened to wander into my FIRST class just as the teacher was talking.  Talk about first impressions.  Fourth, always use the bathroom before class.  Even if you don't have to go, you better still go.  Cause trust me five minutes into that boring lecture you will get the urge and no wants to get up and leave class awkwardly.  Finally I learned that one should always carry food and water on them because you never know when your stomach might growl.  I learned this in my Introduction to British Literature class.  Completely silent and all of a sudden you hear this growl, and not just one growl either.  Numerous growls that lasted the entire period.  All one hour and fifteen minutes of it.  I will never leave without a snack again.  So please listen to what I have to say and do it.  This will help you.  Otherwise you will end up like me and trust me, you do not want to.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

New year, new start.

So today I start the first day of my sophomore year of college.  I am a little bit nervous, not for classes, but for the fact that I have no idea where they are.  This has always scared me a little bit.  Eventually I'll find everything and be fine.  I am hoping my classes are semi-easy.  Every year I always say this is the year that I will study a lot, do papers early, and always be prepared.  About three weeks into the school year I'll give up as usual, but this year I am determined not to. I am determined to make this the year that is amazing.  This is my year.  My year to figure out what I am doing with my life.  To change my life.  This is my year and my new start!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Thank god the weekend is near.

So I have had a difficult time coming up with something to write about.  Plus it is Friday, so I do not want to really write anything.  Also, who really wants to read a super boring blog?  So instead I am going to post some funny pictures, cause why the hell not!

And here is a picture of a kitty in a bow tie.  Yes it
is not funny, but it is so freaking adorable.  So even if none
of these made you laugh, at least you got to see a kitty in a bow tie!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Much needed inspiration

It is that time of the week again.  INSPIRATIONAL THURSDAY!  Inspiration comes in many different forms and this week I focused on it in the form of tattoos.  Some people get tattoos with quotes on them for the sole purpose of inspiring them and getting them through life.  Hopefully one of these will inspire you.  Who knows, maybe there is a new tattoo in your future...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wise words from wise people.

If there is one thing I love, it is a good quote.  I am always looking for a quote that perfectly describes my life or how I am feeling.  Sometimes I stumble upon one that has nothing to do with anything but I just love it so much.  Other times I find one that I feel like was meant for me.  Either way all I want to do is share it with the world or scream it from the rooftops.  Maybe that's a little crazy, but I'm crazy, so yeah... Whether it be a quote a famous person has said, or something my friends have said, if it means something to me I'll remember it.  So what's better than to share some of my favorites with you.

Southern girl at heart.

The amount of country songs I know is a little crazy.  The fact that country music is constantly played in my room and in the car is ridiculous.  I might have been born and raised in the mid-west but my heart belongs to the south.  Favorite vacation?  Nashville.  Favorite place I have ever been?  Country music hall of fame.  There is something about country music that I love.  Maybe it is the fact that each song is so soulful.  Or that there is meaning behind the lyrics.  And it is not just the music I love.  The pick-up truck, corn fields, mud, plaid shirts, and cowboys boots are also what I love.  The feel and aspect of small country towns is what I would love to experience.  Hopping in the pick-up to head to the local barn for a night of square dancing is a dream for me.  The whole vintage theme that is associated with the south is what I want to be associated with.  So it is not just the music I love.  It is literally anything that has to do with the south.  But since I can't really show experiences, here's a few of my favorite country songs that helped me fall in love with the music.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Shake it for me!

So tonight was the Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean concert.  Words cannot describe how much fun I had.  This was the last hurrah I would have with my friends this summer.  It was the perfect ending to the most perfect summer ever.  I mean for starters I has Luke Bryan serenade me with his voice.  Then I had Jason Aldean pump up everyone's energy with his upbeat music.  There was a lot of dancing and screaming done.  Mostly by me, with my friends shaking their heads and saying they have never met this girl in their life.  Really is the story of my life.  Haha.  To top it all off I saw a shooting star.  Yes I am being serious.  One of my friends saw it too.  Of course I made a wish and no I cannot tell you what it is.  This is the first shooting star I have ever seen and it was beautiful.  Probably my last as well, but hey, one is more than most people will ever get so I am not complaining.  Since I am still in country mode, here is some music that I heard last night!

So in love with this song!

Even though this isn't his song, it was by far one of my 
favorite things he has ever sung.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Book worm.

The one thing I love about books is that it allows you escape from reality.  For that moment you can consume yourself in this piece of work.  You get so into it that you almost feel part of it.  There are books about anything and everything.  Romance, action, thriller, mystery, life, or even the non-fiction.  The romance novels sweep you off your feet.  They allow you to live out the perfect romantic life that only happens in books.  Thank you Nicolas Sparks for giving girls unrealistic hopes.  Notebook anyone?? The action allows you to feel like James Bond.  You think like an agent or a ninja.  The thrillers are such page turners.  You cannot just stop reading those.  You need to know what happens next.  Mystery novels are the ones that you do not want to read at night because 99% of the time something creepy has happened and God forbid you read it and then shut off the lights.  You will feel as if someone is watching you, waiting for you to fall asleep.  Then there are the non-fiction ones.  Mainly it is the biographies and autobiographies.  You can read about your favorite superstar or even your favorite author.  There is also the real life personal stories about a certain time.  Shall we say The Diary of Anne Frank? It does not matter what you like.  There is something out there for everyone.  My favorite part of a book is the end, the final pages.  You finally get to see what happens.  All your questions are answered.  At the same time though, when you finish a book a part of you dies.  You spent so much time doing one thing and now it's done.  Yes you can always read the book again, but it's never the same.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Inspirational Thursday.

It's Inspirational Thursday!  So yeah, I kinda just made that up but I decided that every Thursday I am going to post some inspirational quotes, pictures, videos, ect. to get you inspired, obviously.  It's almost the weekend so this is to help you get through those final days.  If your having a bad week, this is to lift your spirits.  Just call me the Inspiration Fairy!

Hopefully this has inspired you to make it through the week or that not matter how bad something is right now it can and will get better.  I promise.

The awkward moments that happen to us.

So today my friends and I decided to go to Chili's for dinner.  While there our waiter was like hard core hitting on my friends.  What did we do?  We left my friend Kristin's phone number on the back of our receipt for him to see.  Hours went by and then all of a sudden her phone vibrated.  It was a text from Mr. Chili's guy.  He had no idea who he was talking to, so one by one he tried to guess who it was.  Eventually he guessed the right girl.  He then took it one step further and called her, yes called her, at 11:30 at night.  He then asked if she would go on a double date because he wanted to get to know her better.  But of course it didn't stop there.  He proceeded to find her on Facebook and friend request her.  Major hitting on proceeded.  It all stopped when he became super creepy and sexual towards her.  Insinuating things that one should not insinuate only talking to someone for a few hours.  Needless to say, we cannot pick good guys.  So what  should you take out of this?  DO NOT hook your friends up with waiters.  It will not end well.

My friend Kristin who can never forget this horrible memory 
no matter how much she tries.  Isn't she gorgeous though?  

Monday, August 13, 2012

Just a smile.

Isn't it funny how one person can make you see things from a different perspective?  Just one person.  All because you like them.  A simple crush.  That is all it takes for you to see life differently.  Every text puts a smile on your face.  It does not matter if they are sweet texts, it is just for that split second they thought of texting you.  You have crossed their mind.  A song can make you think of them.  Maybe it is the lyrics or maybe you have seen the artist in concert with this person.  A picture reminds you of the memories you have spend with them.  Any little thing in life can make you smile simply because of this one person.  Crazy how a crush can influence you so much, isn't it?

Sunday, August 12, 2012


When you think of a birthday, what do you think of?  Getting older, presents, parties.  For everyone it is different.  But nonetheless it is when all your friends congratulate you on becoming older.  What no one realizes is that you have just made it another year.  You survived.  You fought to get where you are.  You should reflect on the previous year.  Think about the good times and the bad.  You have grown in the past year; you have changed physically, mentally, and emotionally.  You might have dealt with births or deaths.  Heartbreaks or true love.  Making new friends or getting rid of old friends.  Things change in a year.  When you quickly think about it you might not notice it, but think, think hard.  So many different things have happened and your birthday should be a day to reflect on that.  Then again, who says you have to wait until the day you were born to reflect.  Do it now.  You'll realize just how much your life has been impacted by the things that have occurred.  So go ahead and reflect.

Friday, August 10, 2012


If there is one thing I have learned in my short time living it is to be yourself.  Be your own original person, not someone else.  Live life the way you want to, not how someone else does or how someone else wants you to.  You were created to be unique and you should be just that.  Why would you want to be someone else when you can be you.  It is truly amazing when you stop trying to be someone else and you accept yourself for who you truly are.  Being someone else is a lot of hard work.  You always need to do what they do, say what they say, look how they look.  Or can you say 'screw that' and be the person you were born to be.  Why be a follower when you can be a leader.  You have the destiny to be someone great, someone original.  I tried being someone else.  That lasted all of 0.2 seconds.  I found out that I can be me.  A crazy, wild, sometimes shy, always hungry nineteen year old woman who expresses herself in a numerous amount of ways.  I love who I am and I am blessed enough to be surrounded by people who love me for the unique person I am.  So stop trying to be someone you are not.  Be who you were born to be.  Trust me, people will still love you.  Hell, they will probably love you more because you are an individual and one of a kind.  Those are the people that do great things, that find happiness, and know the true meaning of life.