Saturday, August 4, 2012

Curves are in.

One thing I do not understand is why society only accepts people who are dressed nicely and look good.  If you walk out in sweatpants and a hoodie you are frowned upon, whereas if you wear mini shorts and a crop top that is acceptable.  Since when is it okay to bear all in public and it is not okay to cover up.  As if covering up means you have something to hide, like fat or flaws.  I understand if you have a great body and want to show it off, but do it at the beach in a swim suit.  Not in the middle of the mall where half of your ass is hanging out of your shorts and your wearing a t-shirt small enough to fit my niece.  The one thing everyone should have is respect for their body.  I am not a size zero.  I am not even close to it.  But I accept the way I look and would never change it for someone or for society.  Yes I have been called fat and family members have made comments to me to lose weight.  My response?  I simply grab the closest sweet, eat it, and then respond that if they have a problem with how I look then they can look away.  Cause I am happy with how I look and who I am.  No one can change that.  So why should you let people control who you are.  So you have curves, big whoop!  Did you ever notice how curves look better in clothes than bony figures?  Curves are in.  Whether society believes it or not, you should.  Love yourself.  If you love yourself then no one else should matter.  You are you strictly for you.  That is it.  Do not let anyone change that. 

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