We all have things that bother, annoy, or upset us. That is called life. It is not perfect. It is not always going to give you what you want. The problem with people is that they focus on the little things that hurt them. The things that are not perfect. But life is not made up of the little things. You need to look at the big picture. Life is not perfect, but that is what makes your life worth living. The imperfections. That is where you mess up and learn from those mistakes. These lessons are what you need to take away. Not the the pain or the heartbreak. Only the things that they taught you. So do not sweat the small stuff. They are just clouds on your way to sunshine. Your life is going to get better. It always does. You can only go so far down before you have to come back up. I'm not promising it will be today, or tomorrow, or next week. It is going to take time, but do not give up while you wait. Put a smile on your face and deal with it. Life will get better, but until that day comes, just fake it till you make it. I am not promising you happiness right away, but I am promising you happiness. Just stick with me until that day comes. Life is not always to give you what you want. So just roll with the punches. Stop focusing on the negative little things and start focusing on the positive things. Cause that is life, and it will go on with or without you. I have come to realize that it's better to just go with life then to fight it. I suggest you do the same.
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