Monday, June 16, 2014

Societies effect on the body

There are very few things I hate in life, but one of them is the way that people look at me.  Now I am not saying I hate when people look at me, but rather the way some people look at me.  Because I am a female I am expected to be skinny, tan, and wear minimal clothing.  If you know me, and even if you don't, I am not that type of person.  I am pale skinned.  I am curvy.  I love sweatshirts.  Yet, people have an issue with the way I look.  It is not their fault.  It is societies.  Yes, I have talked about this before on my blog.  But it seems that no one is listening.  Society has only gotten worse about it.  I love food.  I will eat it all.  If you don't finish your food I will probably eat that too.  There are days where I tend to dress like a homeless person.  I wake up at 7 in the morning.  I AM NOT and WILL NOT put makeup on because it will make me pretty.  I would rather sleep.  I have no issues with how I look.  I am neither gorgeous nor ugly.  I am just me.  I snort when I laugh.  I burp when I have to much carbonation in my stomach.  I prefer over-sized sweaters and leggings over short-shorts and crop tops.  I never feel insecure with how I look.  I never have an issue with how I look.  Other people do.  I go out and girls snicker at me for not being "pretty".  Guys won't talk to me because I am "ugly".  I once had a guy tell me I was ugly.  He said it straight to my face.  Did it hurt?  Yeah a little.  But I went home, ate a quesodilla,  and watched some television.  I did not cry.  I did not go out and buy makeup.  I was not going to change my appearance just so some scumbag would appreciate me.  Not a chance.  I am me.  If you don't want to be seen with me, then so be it.  I will find people who will.  You will not hurt my feelings.  I could honestly care less.  I hate how society pegs this "perfect woman".  Please show me who this perfect woman is.  No celebrity is perfect.  Photoshop, now that's perfect.  I guess what I am trying to get at (in a roundabout way) is that you need to stop caring what people think of you.  I know that it is easier said than done.  There was a point in my life where I cared so much what others thought.  Not anymore.  And guess what, now I am happier than ever.  People should like you for who you are and not what you look like.  Be happy with yourself.  You are beautiful.  Do not let anyone tell you that you are not.  

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