Friday, June 29, 2012
So today was one of those days where everything could have happened but nothing actually did. The day started out with a ton of potential and slowly with every step the potential just decreased. Laying out started it all. After sitting in the sun (and being attacked by bugs) the energy in me was sucked out. It also did not help that I took the longest shower in the history of the world. That used up all my other energy. I will say I made it to the mall. Although I'm pretty sure I crawled from store to store. And froze because they felt the need to crank the air up. Yeah thanks but no thanks. I do not want to stand in a -45 degree room. Now I'm watching the Olympic trials. Like I said, pretty much an uneventful day. Hopefully tomorrow will be more interesting. Hopefully...
Oh happy days!
Day three in Milwaukee. After these past two days, I did not think it could get any better then that. Oh boy was I wrong. Today was most definitely the best day by far. Actually this is the best day of summer. I mean for starters I got to sleep as late as I want. Who does not love that? Then I relaxed with my Caitlin. To top it off I had a wonderful home-cooked dinner by the one and only Mrs. Miller. Or Mama Miller (M&M) as I secretly call her. We traded some fabulous cooking secrets and it was great. Then despite the awful heat, Caitlin and I went to a softball game. Minus some trouble finding the team, we did make it there in one piece. She left and I got reconnected with a friend of mine. Hung out with him and had a great time. The night ended amazingly and I came home to chocolate milk and cookies. Like I said, best night of summer by far. Bet your jealous of my life! Haha I'm only kidding...
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Baby your a firework.
If there is one thing that never fails to entertain me, it is fireworks. They come once a year and I get so excited days in advance. I do not think I cannot look at fireworks and not be happy. The are bright, and big, and so freeing. Whether you watch them with a special person or with a group of friends, you are going to have a good time. There is never a dull moment with fireworks. They start slow. Only a few at first; sort of a tease for the audience. Then slowly, almost without knowing it, they build up until BAM, the finale hits. It is a magical moment where you can do nothing but sit in awe at the beauty that is portrayed. The lights, the color, the sound. It is almost magical. And then without warning it is over. A little part of you is sad but you know that it is something you will never forget. And that is why I love fireworks. Because no matter what, I leave with a smile on my face and a memory that will last a lifetime.
Caitlin and I before the fireworks.
The breathtaking fireworks!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Day One.
So today was my first day of what I call summer vacation. I am currently in Milwaukee and I am so happy to be back. I cannot wait to see all of my friends and go to concerts. This is going to be the best two weeks of my life. Today I spent the day shopping and eating. I got here around noon and caught up with my friend and host Caitlin. Then we went shopping. I bought too many things that I did not need. I got the cutest pair of coral heels. They would go perfectly with my black dress I packed. If only I had a nice restaurant to go to and someone to go with. Then I went to Perkin's and I had the best waitress ever (shoutout to Franny!!!). After that is was nap time for me and then everyone went out for ice cream. All this was on the first day here. If this is a foreshadowing of what I am in store for, than this is going to be one hell of a vacation. I am excited to see what life has in store for me these next two weeks. Stay tuned for more updates and embarrassing stories of my life. Cause I am bound to do some crazy stuff while I am here!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Missing my loves.
So in less than twelve hours I will be leaving for two weeks. I am leaving my family behind, but more importantly my friends. The people who always put up with my crazy antics and strange behaviors. They love me for who I am and do not try to change anything about me, despite the numerous times I embarrass them in public or hang out their car windows. They would not change a single thing about me and because of that I am forever grateful for them. They never let me down and never will. Tonight we hung out one last time before I left and even though they did not know it, it was one of the hardest goodbyes I have ever said. I know I will see them in two weeks, but this is the first time I am doing something huge without them (besides college). All I can say is I won that jackpot by having the friends I have. Love you girls!
Courtney, Ally, Me, Claire, Lauren, Kristin
When someone thinks of perfection (in the physical personal form) they think of tall, tan, flawless. Perhaps someone who is a model, or actor. Someone who is recognized as beautiful. But what really makes a person beautiful? Is it the flawless skin, the perfect physique, or the gorgeous hair? I think it is none of that. When I think I perfect, I think of the imperfections. The dimples, the tousled messy hair, and the occasional scar. It is things like that that make a person who they are; the things that separate one human from the next. Personality is also key. I do not mean that you need to be a gentleman or lady all the time. That is not perfection. What makes someone perfect is when they fight for what they want. When they are willing to cross boundaries to get it. When they have their mind set on something and will not stop until they achieve it. That is perfection. So I guess what I am saying is embrace your imperfections. Because in the end that is what makes you perfect.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!
Have you ever been so excited for something that it is all you can think about? Constantly talking about it 24/7 until the day has finally arrived? That is how I feel about Summerfest. I do not think I have shut up about it since I first decided I was going at the beginning of May. Summerfest is not until the end of June, so you can imagine just how sick everyone around me is of hearing me talk about. I even have a countdown on my Ipod. It lets me know how long I have until I leave for Milwaukee. It's not that I'm even excited for Summerfest. Don't get me wrong, I am totally stoked for it, but I think I am more excited to just see my friends from around there and hang out with them. I miss them more then words can describe. I'm especially excited since I will be staying with one of my best friends in the whole entire world, Caitlin. She has been with me through thick and thin at school and I have no idea what I would of done without her. She means more to me than words can describe. I will also be see a load of other people as well, which totally gets me pumped just thinking about it. Two weeks in the sun, listening to bands, and just relaxing. Who wouldn't be excited for something like that?
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
In our times of need.
If there is one thing I have learned in life, it is that people will not always be there for you when you need them most. Sometimes they are busy and other times they just don't care about you. The one thing I have found that never desserts me in my time of need is music. Sometimes it is the upbeat tempo that I need. Other times it is the soft lullaby-type music that calms me down. I have playlists for different things but I often turn to the softer music. All I need to do is put on the music, lock my door, and tune myself out of reality. Lay myself on my bed, head at the foot of the bed, at just stare out my window. I let my mind wander and let the music wash over my body and soul. I become my own little world where no one can touch me or hurt me. It is truly a great feeling. I feel so free, calm, and peaceful. This can last for minutes or hours. It all depends on how I feel. Not once has it ever failed me. Maybe it is not for everyone, but it is definitely for me.
Here are some of my favorite songs:
Here are some of my favorite songs:
Monday, June 18, 2012
A few years ago I wrote a poem. I was going through a rough patch and I needed something to make me feel better. This poem is called Breathe. The title basically speaks for itself. If you are having a tough time and think things will not get better, they will. I promise. But for know all you can do is just breathe.
Just breath.
Take a moment,
Collect yourself.
Put one foot in front of the other.
It's simple.
Right, left. Right, left.
Or so it seems.
But it's never quite like that.
Never black and white.
It's neon, bright, and crazy.
Always blinking, always changing.
But I guess that's life.
And let me tell you something,
Life sucks!
But it has to.
Otherwise we wouldn't see the good.
The good like you.
You make it worth it.
The little boy down the street.
The old lady that makes cookies.
Your best friend.
They make it worth it.
So just remember,
Right, left. Right, left.
Because it will get better.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Dad, Daddy, Father.
Father's Day. For some it is a day of gratitude. For other's it is a day of remembrance. Possibly for some, it is a day that means nothing. No matter where you fall, it is a day of something. For me it is a day of gratitude. Not only for my father, but for all the father figures in my life. Everyone from my uncles, to my grandpa's, to my friend's fathers. But the number one man on this day in my life is my own father. A man who means more to me then anyone will ever know. To him, I am his baby girl. Never growing up, always holding his hand and thinking boys are gross. To me, he is the one person I can turn to in times of need, who is always there for me no matter what, and always believes in me when even I do not believe in myself. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for him. He will never fully know how much I care for him, no matter how hard I try. Even when he yells at me or annoys me or even makes fun of me, I know at the end of the day he is my father and will love me unconditionally. The one person who will never judge me no matter how stupid I act. I love you daddy!
My dad and I during prom last year.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
They all say that image is everything. All men should be buff. All women should be tall, tan, and skinny. So many people try to be that perfect person. I don't know about anyone else, but when I look in the mirror I see an average height, very pale, mass of brown hair girl standing back at me. I will admit there have been times when I wish I could look different. That I could be taller. Or even tanner. But when it comes down to it, I like who I am. Maybe I am not what everyone expects me to be. But I have friend and family who love me for the way I look. And someday I might even find a guy who likes me for who I am and how I look. Because in the end it comes down to one thing: as long as you are okay with what you look like, no one can change that.
I may not be the skinniest or tannest person in the world,
but I am very happy with who I am.
Facts of life.
There are two ways to look at everything: either it's going to work or it's not. Weather it's cooking, clothes, or relationships. It is that simple. There are no complications, secret messages, or anything like that. Just two options. Yes or no. People tend to make things more difficult then they should ever be. I know I have. Really what I need to do it take my own advice. You should too. Any time you need to think about something, think: is it going to work or not. This is especially handy when figuring out relationships. There are only two ways it can go. You either get married or break up. It might take some time to figure out which one it is, but eventually you will. If you know you do not want to be with the person, why lead them on? Why string them along? It is stupid. A big huge colossal waste of time. Do everyone a favor and make up your mind. You will feel a hundred times better once you do!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Actually I'm an adult...
A few weeks ago I turned nineteen. A big step in my life. My last year as a teenager. My last year to let my hair down and be wild. WRONG. At heart I am five. I do what any five year old would do. I scream. I cry. I get excited when we go to the zoo. I run around and act crazy. I get looks. I get judged. But I am 100% okay with this. Let people look. Let people judge. My friends love me for who I am. That is really all that matters. I make things more interesting. I like without a care in the world. Not once have I ever regretted something I have done. Have I made mistakes? Yes. But then again, haven't we all? So I guess what I am trying to say is, let loose. Go crazy. Even if it is just for a few minutes do it. Act like a child. Be free. It is amazing. Because at the end of the day you know who you are.
Learn to live without a care in the world and that is when you will find true happiness. ~ Stacy O'Neill
Learn to live without a care in the world and that is when you will find true happiness. ~ Stacy O'Neill
Not only are we both 19 and trying to make huge
splashes, we were also the only people playing.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Lucky Ducky!
Last night I was rearranging my room and came across my cd collection. I tend to hide things between my cd's so every once in a while I like to look through them. Last night was no exception. One by one I took out each cd, examined it, and looked to see if there was anything hiding between it and the next one. I was about five cd's in when I hit the mother-load of jackpots. $100. Right there. Sitting in front of my N'Sync cd. At first I thought my eye's had mistaken me. I picked up the bill, looked at it, and then screamed. What followed was a line of very embarrassing actions. I tend to find a dollar here or five dollars there, but never a hundred. So many things went through my mind. Do I save it? Do I buy something? Do I save it for summerfest? Being a female I thought about spending it. On what though? That was the big question. I just went shopping yesterday and bought everything I wanted. So why not spend it on someone. I'm thinking of taking a friend of mine to dinner or maybe using it to do some fun activities. Just because you are lucky does not mean you cannot share the luck with someone else. Go pass it on. Your kindness can go make someone's day. So the next time you are having a lucky day share it with your friends. You will be the hero for the day!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Our little secret.
Everyone has that one guilty pleasure. That one secret that they are just to embarrassed to show tell anyone. Afraid that those around them might judge them. Weather it is sleeping with a stuff animal or painting a picture, we all have something to hide. Mine? Well if I told you then it would not be a secret. Oh who are we kidding, my life is an open book. Of course I'm going to tell you. Broadway musicals. Not the musical itself (although I do love watching them), but the soundtrack. If I know I'm home alone, I throw on the soundtrack and reenact the scenes. I belt out (or scream out) the lyrics at the top of my lungs and act like I am center stage and everyone is there to see me. I throw in the occasional dance move...or twelve...but hey, who's counting? I feel awesome after doing it. Like there is not a problem or care in the world. I feel free and happy and just overall, realy great about myself. So do not be ashamed of your guilty pleasure. Get up right now and do it. Or wait until tomorrow. It's your thing to do. Do it when you need to feel happy. That is what a guilty pleasure is all about. Now if you will excuse me, there is a Wicked soundtrack with my name on it, and well, we both know I must go sing those songs.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
All you need in life is...
Family (noun):
a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not: the traditional family.
Friend (noun):
a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
Those two words mean more to me then anything else. Between my family and friends I have been made a lot stronger and a lot tougher. There are certain people that I can thank way more then others. Those people know who they are because I only thank them like everyday of my life. I have had many ups and downs within the last year and without my family and friends I do not know where I would be. Remember to never let anyone get between you and your family or friends. Some people will come and go, but when you have a huge issue, pay attention to those who around you. Those people are the keepers and do not ever let them go!
My friends and I.
My family and I.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
A healthy body is a happy body!
Today I spent my entire day laying out and working on my tan. I am half Irish and half Mexican. Let's just say that I inherited the fair Irish skin. I am about as white as Casper the friendly ghost. After 5 hours, half a bottle of SPF 4, and a bit of straight up oil, I saw the slightest bit of color on my skin. I mean you have to look super close and you can see it. I for some reason cannot tan for the life of me. People say just to not put anything on and then I'll get color. UM NO! My body likes to be fully protected. I have heard horror stories of people who go to tanning beds everyday or lay out with nothing on and then they get skin cancer. Take a look at my grandpa: he's outside everyday with no protection on and has gotten skin cancer not once but twice! He currently has it right now. I love my body and do not want anything bad to happen to it. So remember, if you plan on laying out or even just plan on walking or hanging out outside use some type of protection. Make sure to get your face. You'll thank me later when you don't wake up with a bright red face. Also remember to drink lots of water and go inside to cool off at some points. Keep your body happy and you'll be happy too. Especially when your older and all your friends have wrinkles and you don't!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Smiling For No Reason
It is the little things that someone says or does that can make a day go from bad to good or even good to great. A text here or a call there. It is things like that that cause you to smile uncontrollably for no reason what so ever. Every time you think of that certain person your skips a little beat and you cannot think straight. When they like something on Facebook you giggle to yourself. When they invite you over nothing seems to be good enough. You fix your hair a million times because the longer you stare at it, then more you hate it. Not once have I ever mentioned a name but you already have someone on it. Well guess what, life is short. GO CALL OR TEXT THAT PERSON NOW AND TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Closet full of clothes. Nothing to wear.
In about three weeks I am going to Summerfest in Milwaukee. It is eleven full days of concerts. I am so excited beyond belief. That was until I realized I have nothing to wear. Yes, I have a closet full of clothes, but none of that will do. Besides I want to be able to look cute but casual. So this is when I found my goal for the day: find effortless outfits. Well needless to say, mission accomplished! 

First Entry
So this is my first entry and I am so excited! This blog is kind of to get whatever is on my mind out there in the open. Some days it will be about homes, weddings, food, or well, boys. I hope that many people will read this. I would love to help someone with something, even if it is just one person. Well that's all I have for now. Come back later to check for more entry's!
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