Saturday, June 9, 2012

A healthy body is a happy body!

Today I spent my entire day laying out and working on my tan.  I am half Irish and half Mexican.  Let's just say that I inherited the fair Irish skin.  I am about as white as Casper the friendly ghost.  After 5 hours, half a bottle of SPF 4, and a bit of straight up oil, I saw the slightest bit of color on my skin.  I mean you have to look super close and you can see it.  I for some reason cannot tan for the life of me.  People say just to not put anything on and then I'll get color.  UM NO!  My body likes to be fully protected.  I have heard horror stories of people who go to tanning beds everyday or lay out with nothing on and then they get skin cancer.  Take a look at my grandpa: he's outside everyday with no protection on and has gotten skin cancer not once but twice!  He currently has it right now.  I love my body and do not want anything bad to happen to it.  So remember, if you plan on laying out or even just plan on walking or hanging out outside use some type of protection.  Make sure to get your face.  You'll thank me later when you don't wake up with a bright red face.  Also remember to drink lots of water and go inside to cool off at some points.  Keep your body happy and you'll be happy too.  Especially when your older and all your friends have wrinkles and you don't!

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