Friday, June 29, 2012


So today was one of those days where everything could have happened but nothing actually did.  The day started out with a ton of potential and slowly with every step the potential just decreased.  Laying out started it all.  After sitting in the sun (and being attacked by bugs) the energy in me was sucked out.  It also did not help that I took the longest shower in the history of the world.  That used up all my other energy.  I will say I made it to the mall.  Although I'm pretty sure I crawled from store to store.  And froze because they felt the need to crank the air up.  Yeah thanks but no thanks.  I do not want to stand in a -45 degree room.  Now I'm watching the Olympic trials.  Like I said, pretty much an uneventful day.  Hopefully tomorrow will be more interesting.  Hopefully...

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