Saturday, June 16, 2012

Facts of life.

There are two ways to look at everything: either it's going to work or it's not.  Weather it's cooking, clothes, or relationships.  It is that simple.  There are no complications, secret messages, or anything like that.  Just two options.  Yes or no.  People tend to make things more difficult then they should ever be.  I know I have.  Really what I need to do it take my own advice.  You should too.  Any time you need to think about something, think: is it going to work or not.  This is especially handy when figuring out relationships.  There are only two ways it can go.  You either get married or break up.  It might take some time to figure out which one it is, but eventually you will.  If you know you do not want to be with the person, why lead them on?  Why string them along?  It is stupid.  A big huge colossal waste of time.  Do everyone a favor and make up your mind.  You will feel a hundred times better once you do! 

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