Last night I was rearranging my room and came across my cd collection. I tend to hide things between my cd's so every once in a while I like to look through them. Last night was no exception. One by one I took out each cd, examined it, and looked to see if there was anything hiding between it and the next one. I was about five cd's in when I hit the mother-load of jackpots. $100. Right there. Sitting in front of my N'Sync cd. At first I thought my eye's had mistaken me. I picked up the bill, looked at it, and then screamed. What followed was a line of very embarrassing actions. I tend to find a dollar here or five dollars there, but never a hundred. So many things went through my mind. Do I save it? Do I buy something? Do I save it for summerfest? Being a female I thought about spending it. On what though? That was the big question. I just went shopping yesterday and bought everything I wanted. So why not spend it on someone. I'm thinking of taking a friend of mine to dinner or maybe using it to do some fun activities. Just because you are lucky does not mean you cannot share the luck with someone else. Go pass it on. Your kindness can go make someone's day. So the next time you are having a lucky day share it with your friends. You will be the hero for the day!
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